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位置:首页 > 资料中心 > 化工字典 > 3761-53-3
CAS: 3761-53-3
分子式: C18H16N2O7S2·2Na
丽春红 G
2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 4-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-, disodium salt
Acid scarlet
7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3-hydroxy-4-(2,4-xylylazo)- disodium salt
1-(2,4-xylylazo)-2-naphthol-3,6-disulphonic acid, disodium salt
1-xylylazo-2-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid, disodium salt
1-xylylazo-2-naphthol-3,6-disulphonic acid, disodium salt
1695 red
7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 4-((2,4-dimethylphenyl)azo)-3-hydroxy- disodiu
7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 4-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy- disodiu
3-hydroxy-4-(2,4-xylylazo)-3,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, disodium salt
3-hydroxy-4-(2,4-xylylazo)-3,7-naphthalenedisulphonic acid, disodium salt
4-((2,4-dimethylphenyl)azo)-3-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, disodiu
4-((2,4-dimethylphenyl)azo)-3-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulphonic acid, disodi
acetacid red j
acid leather red kpr
acid leather red p2R
acid leather scarlet irw
acid ponceau 2Rl
acid ponceau r
acid ponceau special
acid red 26
acid scarlet 2b
acid scarlet 2bn
acid scarlet 2R
acid scarlet 2R for lakes
acid scarlet 2R for lakes bluish
acid scarlet 2Rl
acid scarlet 2Rn
acidal ponceau g
acilan ponceau rrl
acilan ponceau rrl (rtecs)
ahcocid fast scarlet r
aizen ponceau rh
amacid lake scarlet 2R
amacid scarlet 2R
brilliant ponceau g
c.i. 16150
c.i. 79
c.i. acid red 26
c.i. acid red 26, disodium salt
c.i. food red 5
calcocid 2Ril
calcocid scarlet 2R
calcocid scarlet 2Ril
calcolake scarlet 2R
certicol ponceau mxs
cerven kysela 26
cerven kysela 26 (czech)
cerven potravinarska 5
cerven potravinarska 5 (czech)
ci 16150
ci f food red 5
colacid ponceau special
comacid scarlet 2R
d and c red no 5
d&c red no. 5
disodium (2,4-dimethylphenylazo)-2-hydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulfonate
disodium (2,4-dimethylphenylazo)-2-hydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulphonate
disodium salt of 1-(2,4-xylylazo)-2-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid
disodium salt of 1-(2,4-xylylazo)-2-naphthol-3,6-disulphonic acid
edicol ponceau rs
edicol supra ponceau r
fenazo scarlet 2R
food red no. 101
hexacol ponceau 2R
hexacol ponceau mx
hidacid scarlet 2R
hispacid ponceau r
java ponceau 2R
kiton ponceau 2R
kiton ponceau r
kiton scarlet 2Rc
lake ponceau
lake scarlet 2Rbn
lake scarlet r
naphthalene lake scarlet r
naphthalene scarlet r
naphthazine scarlet 2R
neklacid red rr
new ponceau 4R
nsc 10458 (nlm)
paper red hrr
pas kwasowy 2 rl
pigment ponceau r
ponceau 2R
ponceau 2R (biological stain)
ponceau 2R extra a export
ponceau 2Re
ponceau 2Rl
ponceau 2Rx
ponceau bna
ponceau de xylidine
ponceau fr
ponceau g
ponceau gr
ponceau j
ponceau mx
ponceau nr
ponceau pxm
ponceau r
ponceau r (biological stain)
ponceau red
ponceau red r
ponceau rg
ponceau rr
ponceau rr type 8019
ponceau rs
ponceau xylidine (biological stain)
ponceaux 3R
red 101
red for lakes j
red no. 503
red r
scarlet 2R
scarlet 2Rb
scarlet 2Rl
scarlet 2Rl bluish
scarlet r
scarlet r (van)
scarlet rra
schultz no. 95
tertracid ponceau 2R
tetracid ponceau 2R
xylidine ponceau
xylidine ponceau 3Rs
xylidine red
7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid,3-hydroxy-4-(2,4-xylylazo)- disodium salt
3-hydroxy-4-(2,4-xylylazo)-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid,disodium salt
abcol scarlet 2R
xylidine ponceau 2R
2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid,4-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-,disodium salt
3761-53-3 供应商:
CAS号首数字顺序排列: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9