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Siamenoside I
Siamenoside I图片

Siamenoside I 是罗汉果苷中的一种,具有多种生物活性。

Animal experiment:

The animal experiment lasts six days. The whole urine and feces of days 1-2 are collected as blank urine and feces samples, respectively. On days 3-5, the rats of test group are orally administrated with siamenoside I [50 mg/kg body weight, in normal saline (NS) solution] at 9:00, and all 72-h urine and feces are collected as drug-containing urine and feces samples, respectively. The rats of blank group are orally administrated with the same volume of NS. On day 6 at 9:00, the test and the blank group are treated with siamenoside I and NS again, respectively. After 1 h, blood sample is collected into a vacuum tube with sodium citrate as anticoagulant from rat heart under anesthesia. Then, the organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, brain) and skeletal muscles of rats are collected and washed with NS, separately. All samples are kept at –80℃ before further pretreatment.


Siamenoside I is one of the mogrosides that has several kinds of bioactivities.

In rat, the metabolic reactions of siamenoside I include deglycosylation, hydroxylation, dehydrogenation, deoxygenation, isomerization, and glycosylation. Siamenoside I and its metabolites are mainly distributed to the intestines, stomach, kidneys, and brain[1].

[1]. Yang XR, et al. Metabolites of Siamenoside I and Their Distributions in Rats. Molecules. 2016 Jan 30;21(2):176.